The Miami-Dade 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
The Miami-Dade 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is the long-term blueprint for the region’s transportation system. The plan analyzes the transportation needs of the region and creates a framework for project priorities. Dover, Kohl & Partners worked with the prime consultant, Gannett Fleming, on scenario planning, planning for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and the design of a state-of-the-art interactive website for the project.
The LRTP’s scenario planning section states that by implementing phase one of the SMART Plan with its mix of new trains and bus rapid transit the region would see, immediately, a reduction of 193,000 vehicle trips and an increase in 272,000 transit boardings. Full implementation of SMART Plan would result in a reduction of 130,000 vehicle trips and an increase in 182,000 transit boardings. These are conservative estimates based on connecting the 1.7 million residents that live within 2-miles of the SMART Plan Corridors to the 855,000 jobs located within 2-miles. As the numbers of people and numbers of jobs increase so would the numbers of cars taken off the road in favor of cost-efficient, clean transit.