Plan Cruz Bay — Dover, Kohl & Partners

Plan Cruz Bay


In September 2017, St. John took direct hits from two Category 5 hurricanes. Irma and Maria battered the island and brought immense devastation to the tight-knit community over just two weeks. In the aftermath, Love City Strong was created to provide a voice for residents and assist with recovery. In 2023, Love City Strong partnered with Horsley Witten Group, Majj Studio, and Dover, Kohl & Partners to organize Plan Cruz Bay, a community-led effort to chart a path forward and guide rebuilding. Attendance at the combined June 2023 design charrette events reached 300, resulting in a plan that reflects their wants and needs for the town as well as near and long-term interventions to support a more resilient Cruz Bay. Creating gathering spaces, redeveloping government-owned land for community services, and improving walkability are a large part of the community’s vision, shaping a lasting legacy for generations to come. By protecting and preserving culture and history, and prioritizing resident needs over visitor interests, Plan Cruz Bay establishes a lasting plan that evokes civic pride and provides guidance for continued recovery.

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What if Prince Street was reimagined as a walkable public space? The step-by-step transformation demonstrates how incremental change can contribute to a versatile space that is safe, walkable, connected, and serves as a public amenity rather than just an avenue to move vehicles through town.

The Julius E. Sprauve (JES) School was damaged beyond repair during the storms. Since 2017, students have been attending school in temporary buildings placed on the school's ballfield. Understanding that the school will be rebuilt uphill, this central government property should be redeveloped with a mix of uses, parking, and community serving space.