Dover-Kohl Comprehensive Plan and Regional Plan Projects Featured in National Charrette Institute (NCI) Webinar — Dover, Kohl & Partners

Dover-Kohl Comprehensive Plan and Regional Plan Projects Featured in National Charrette Institute (NCI) Webinar

Innovative Public Involvement Techniques for Comprehensive and Regional Planning: Lessons from Every Scale features Dover, Kohl and Partners; Frank Saxton, formerly of the Northshore Community Foundation; Carlos Gallinar, City of El Paso; and Marcela Camblor, Seven50 Project Director. The live webinar will be presented on January 30, 2:30 PM EST.

The session will compare and contrast the stories of three very different sized projects: The Comprehensive Plan for Hammond, Louisiana (pop. 20,000); Plan El Paso the Comprehensive Plan for El Paso, Texas (pop. 800,000); and Seven50, the Southeast Florida Prosperity Plan funded by the US Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities (seven counties, pop. 6 million). Hear how online participation, in-person meetings, local charrettes and regional summits were combined in different ways for maximum public participation.

Learn more about the NCI webinar