Dover-Kohl Projects Receive CNU Charter Awards — Dover, Kohl & Partners

Dover-Kohl Projects Receive CNU Charter Awards

Three projects that Dover-Kohl was involved in received Charter Awards from the Congress for the New Urbanism this week.

The Columbia Pike Initiative won the "Best Corridor Plan" Award for its ongoing transformation of a  suburban strip corridor into a multi-story, mixed-use, mixed-income neighborhood. Dover Kohl led an intensive public charrette process that resulted in the adoption of a plan and form-based code in 2003. For the first time in 40 years, mixed-use developments were built, sidewalks were widened, and pedestrian-friendly lighting was installed. In 2011 Dover-Kohl led a follow-up charrette focusing on the multi-family residential portions of the corridor with a special focus on affordability. The result is a comprehensive vision that promotes new infill development as part of a walkable, transit-oriented community, while ensuring the continued availability of affordable housing.

The Curridabat Master Plan won the "Best City Plan" Award for a plan that sets the pace for a Latin-American adoption of CNU Charter Principles. Dover-Kohl collaborated with lead firm Castillo Arquitectos to produce a vision for a reimagined city focused on urbanism and walkability, and resulting in the adoption of the first Form-Based Code in Costa Rica.

Jean Lafitte Tomorrow won a "Special Jury Award" for its locally-driven resiliency plan for this low-lying Gulf Coast community. The Dover-Kohl led plan for Jean Lafitte recommends the slow retreat to the heart-of-town by facilitating the voluntary relocation of residents from indefensible, low-lying areas into more compact, walkable, mixed-use communities with enough investment to warrant reinforcement. The plan was adopted unanimously in 2013 and played a key role in getting Jean Lafitte's proposed levee added to the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority's Coastal Master Plan.

See the full list of 2014 CNU Charter Award Winners