Catch Up on the Mining Issues in SE Lee County — Dover, Kohl & Partners

Catch Up on the Mining Issues in SE Lee County


In 2008, DK&P and Spikowski Planning Associates prepared the Prospects for SE Lee County report, leading to adopted policies protecting the delicate balance of limerock mining, rural settlements, agribusiness, and environmental restoration in the “DRGR” area. A big (literally, groundbreaking) idea is that limerock mining for construction materials is economically vital, but the quarries are also environmentally traumatic--  so therefore, enough mining should be permitted to satisfy demonstrated need, but remain limited. The policy requires a Limerock Capacity Analysis to be undertaken and updated every seven years, to determine whether new mines are really justified. Now that crucial environmental policy is being questioned. The whole saga is a case study on the deep value of planning ahead, and about the fragility of environmental protections, lately. Read the latest in Bill Spikowski’s peer review of two such analyses, just published. Read more about our DRGR work here.