Plan NoBe — Blog — Dover, Kohl & Partners

Plan NoBe

North Beach Master Plan Unanimously Approved

The North Beach Master Plan was unanimously approved by the Miami Beach City Commission on Wednesday, October 19. Mayor Philip Levine said "It's North Beach's time. It's exciting to see the community come together in a positive way." The plan has been in the making for the past year and involved more than 1,000 interested residents and stakeholders during an intensive open planning process, including property owners, neighbors, merchants, developers, environmental specialists, historic preservationists and community leaders.

Plan NoBe provides the basis for public policy in the North Beach area of the City of Miami Beach regarding physical development. Plan NoBe establishes priorities for public-sector action while simultaneously providing direction for complementary private-sector decisions. The Plan and its guidelines serve as a tool to evaluate new development proposals, direct capital improvements, and to guide public policy in a manner that ensures North Beach continues to be the community that its residents want it to be. The Plan contains illustrative plans, diagrams, maps, and pictures to make concepts clear and accessible to City officials, residents, developers, community groups, and other stakeholders.


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